What I Liked about Edmonton - My First Experience

Not many people know that I actually wanted to settle in Alberta upon my immigration to Canada. This province has long attracted me for its...

Not many people know that I actually wanted to settle in Alberta upon my immigration to Canada. This province has long attracted me for its beautiful nature, especially the Canadian Rockies. However, my preference was always Calgary, and never Edmonton. Ironically, I still have not made it to Calgary, even though I've lived in Canada for almost six years.

I'm a strong believer that you should visit any city only if the weather is right for that. What I mean by that is that "bad" weather (rainy, windy, too cold or too hot, etc.) can bias your opinion and make you have a bad impression.
The weather in Edmonton was perfect with fall colours in its prime, so no wonder I liked Edmonton. 
While it was still summer hot in Toronto in late September with daytime temperatures reaching 30 C / 86 F, Edmonton was already in a deep autumn. The leaves had already turned yellow and were about to fall off the trees.
High-level bridge connects Central and University neighbourhoods across the North Saskatchewan River.
Edmonton's Grouse Grind.
The busiest Pokemon Go stop in Edmonton.
Edmonton's sign is encouraging to smile.
Being the capital of Alberta, Edmonton hosts the beautiful Alberta Legislature Building. Edmontonians call it "The Ledge". 
It's over a century old and built in the Beaux Arts style.
Alberta Legislature Building sits on the hill overlooking the North Saskatchewan River which was the location of Fort Edmonton, the first permanent fur trading post settled by Europeans in the area.
The flag still shows what country this fort once belonged to.
The park around the Alberta Legislature Building looked very secluded in the fall, but I'm sure it's very busy in the summer.
"This memorial commemorates the arrival, in 1891, of the first Ukrainian settlers to Canada. It pays tribute to the stalwart sons and daughters of the soil who, through patient industry and steadfast courage, overcame physical hardships and adversity to transform the vastness of the prairie into productive farmland. In helping to unleash the economic potential of the Canadian West, Ukrainian pioneers not only contributed to the subsequent founding of the province of Alberta but bequeathed a proud legacy to their descendants down through the ages. Their perseverance and self-sacrifice are in inspiration and a challenge to us all" (from the Stella next to the monument).
Ukrainian influence is visible: from the City Hall's tower with its traditional Ukrainian bells to thousands of ethnic Ukrainians living in Alberta and particularly in Edmonton.
Another monument in memory of one of the darkest pages in Ukrainian history - the genocidal famine against Ukrainians inflicted by the Soviet regime in 1932-33.
The city centre looks a bit outdated, although it feels safe and snug.
"Take a risk - it's the most Edmonton thing you can do". I like it.
Old art-deco buildings and yellow cabs - almost New York?
I found people to be very friendly like in other Canadian cities.
I was told that Edmonton is a very safe city and a great place to raise children.
There is a lot of construction going on in Edmonton. Unlike Calgary which was hit very hard by the oil price drop in recent years, Edmonton seems to be doing well. Its real estate market has not changed which is an indication of a well-balanced economy. Even though Edmonton is closer to the most of oil and gas extraction sites, almost all headquarters of oil and gas companies are located in Calgary.
The brand-new building of the Art Gallery of Alberta opened to the public in 2010.

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